February 24th / Studying

Hello again!

Feels like my brain is going to explode haha 🙂 I had to wake up at 4:30am and I’m still not sleeping (it’s 11:30pm now). So yes it was a long day, but I did a lot of things 🙂

1. I am grateful for this morning. I assisted to my first Toastmaster meeting and I loved it! For those who don’t know, Toastmaster is an International organization where you can develop your oratory and leadership skills without being judged. I really want to join the club for my personal development, but it’ll also allow me to be fully ready to have a real job when I finish my studies 🙂 yess!!

2. I am grateful for the energy that I had to study for my exams today. I didn’t procrastinate. Not at all! I stayed at the university from 9am to 8pm. And I didn’t even have a class. 🙂

3. I am grateful for the advice that I got from Khalkinised 2 days ago. I did 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation tonight and it brought me so much good. It’s like every worry that I had before disappeared and I could feel my body much more relaxed.

4. I am grateful because I booked the apartment in Costa Rica today on airbnb . So I’m really going! yes!!!

Sorry for the weird sentences,
english’s not my first language, and I can’t even think anymore. Need to sleep hihi.

Hope you had a good day,
Chloé xxx

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